Offshore Outsourcing Partner
High price/quality ratio
Your ‘own’ offshore programmer(s) by Virtual Sourcing from € 12,50 per man hour
Suppose :
  • You are able to manage a development project from a technical and content perspective.
  • You are looking for a cost effective way to have your technical design developed .
  • You develop software yourself and are in need of temporary resources.
  • In that case temporary assignment of offshore developers to your team would be ideal for you.
You rent capacity from us at predefined terms (term, number of man hours and tariff). You decide on which activities are being undertaken and how progress should be. Communication with our developers will be done in English and is free of charge. We mainly use Skype, Voice Over IP (internet phone) and our internal project management tool.
You can rent Microsoft Certified software developers from us for as low as € 12,50 per man hour. Should you require additional assistance from ByProxy, then architect or project manager will be available throughout the project at competitive rates. Naturally, conditions will be discussed and set in advance with you. Interested or more information required? Contact us!
Prefer to have a developer located in your office?
Thanks to an agreement between ByProxy and the Dutch IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Department), it is now possible under certain conditions to have our developers come to The Netherlands for detachment in your organisation. This assingment can be for a long term. Your efforts to introduce our people to your systems and processes are beneficial in case of a long term assignment. In our experience, our employees are motivated and hard working individuals, not in the least because of the opportunity they receive to live and work in the west.
Microsoft certified developers
ByProxy Nepal is located in a modern building in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. Our developers all have a bachelors degree in IT and have excellent command of spoken and written English. Thanks to a unique recruitment and training process, developed especially for ByProxy Nepal, all of our new colleagues are Microsoft Certified Professional from the first day of their contract. All of them will get the chance of continuing their education, next to their project work, in becoming Microsoft Certified Software Developer.
Socially responsible entrepreneurship
Ofcourse labour costs are lower in Asia.
But that does not mean that you and we are the only beneficiaries here.

ByProxy guarantees a working environment and secondary labour conditions of a western standard to her employees. We offer a competitive salary and excellent secondary remunerations. For example, our employees work 5 days instead of the usual 6, by their own choice. We offer excellent training and certification possibilities, partly in office hours, plus pension saving schemes and medical insurance for themselves and their families. Last but not least, “trivial” matters like heating, air conditioning, a comfortable work space and state-of-the-art PC’s and LCD monitors are self-evident and guaranteed.